Valerie Ch. 06


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For her part, the normally confident Sally was a bundle of nerves. She'd thought of herself as the lone wolf, able to stand alone, needing no one. In three short weeks, this amazing submissive woman had changed all that. She found herself missing Valerie every day. Yes, the scenes were fantastic, but it was her compassion and capacity for love that drew Sally. She could place exactly when she knew she couldn't live without Valerie in her life. Naked, trembling with fear, this wonderful woman had stood up to her Master and defended a helpless young girl, believing it would cost her her place at his house.

The doorbell rang and the two women found themselves looking at each other across the threshold. They both spoke together. "Where are we…?" "Where would you like…"

Laughing, both nervous, they hugged, a long hug that both seemed reluctant to break.

"What do you feel like, Mistress."

"Val, let's just make it Sally tonight. Two girls out for dinner, no domination or submission."

"Okay, I can do that, Sally." Valerie had not realized just how used she had gotten to using Master and Mistress. Sally's name was strange off of her lips.

"How about seafood?"

"That sounds great. You ever been to Milford's?"

"No, is it any good?"

"They're the best."

The drive to the elegant seafood specialty house was awkward. They chatted about small stuff, staying away from anything of importance. During dinner (seafood fettuccini for Sally and baked salmon for Val), Sally asked about the punishment and Valerie described the event, looking back on it almost dreamily. After the dishes had been cleared, the bill paid, and their drinks refilled, Valerie looked at her hoped-to-be lover and found herself afraid. Sally was fearful as well, knowing that Francine and Valerie had been staying together for over a week.

Val found her voice first. "Sally, there's something very important I need to tell you, and ask you."

"Yes, Valerie?" Sally encouraged, hope hiding below the surface.

"I…I…God, I was less frightened when I asked you to deny me orgasms for 45 minutes."

"Take your time. We have all night." Sally reassured her, though what the dominant submissive really wanted was to hear it, now. She knew only two things would turn a woman into just a mass of jelly, one very good, one very bad. Val needed time.

"Three weeks ago, I could never have imagined myself here, today, with you, desperately needing to say what I'm trying to say. I'm so scared, of myself, of your reaction, of what's happening right here and now. Sally, I love you so much and I want you in my life forever, as the most important person in my life." The words finally out, dread, hope, fear, love were all displayed on her face. She had never felt as vulnerable as she did now. It was one thing to put your body and trust in someone's hands, but Valerie had put her heart, all that she was, into Sally's hands and the woman across from her at the table had the ability to crush it or nurture it. Which would it be?

Sally looked down, then back up, tears leaking from her eyes. "Valerie, I've been scared as well. I was so frightened that you wouldn't say what you just did." As she understood the meaning of those words, Valerie's face showed the death of the fear and dread, like a dragon at the end of a lance. Sally paused, and then continued. "I love you with every fiber of my being. The thought of you no longer in my life is a crushing weight that you've lifted off of me, saving me."

They reached across the table, holding hands, basking in the mutually shared expressions of love. Time passed with just this contact. Their waitress, observant and aware, steered clear, letting the slow brewing of love that was taking place on her watch continue unabated and un-interfered with. Emotions bubbled inside the women, the love growing in strength, feeding on the knowledge that it was, in fact, returned.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Sally asked.

"I'd love to."

They got up and headed for the door, where they were met by their waitress. She had two roses (pilfered from a display). "I'd like you to have these. Congratulations on finding each other." Not quite comprehending what had happened, they took the roses, thanking the girl absentmindedly. As they walked down the sidewalk, the waitress thought to herself, "I hope I can find that kind of love someday."

Valerie and Sally walked hand in hand for an hour, admiring the beauty of the city and the feel of each other close at hand. They said not a word, everything that was important having been said already. The air seemed sweeter than normal, the sounds of the city more melodious and the smells more lovely. It was only as they started to feel a chill that they headed back to Valerie's car.

In the car, Valerie asked, "Would you come home with me? I don't want to let you go right now. I want to fall asleep to your breathing. I want to feel you next to me when I wake up. I want to hold you tight against me."

"I want the same things. I'd move in with you tonight if I could."

"You know, Francine and I have decided to move into a house together; roommates. I'd love it if you moved in with us. There are three bedrooms."

"Val, I've not found the love of my life to sleep in a separate bedroom from her. Is Francine going to be okay with us, together?"

"Yes. She knows I was having dinner with you and why. She says she's very happy for us. Our friendship has lasted over ten years and it's different. She was my maid of honor when Mike and I married and held my hand when he died. She's been there for me through everything, good and bad, and she'll be there for us now. I love her, too, just in a different way, just as I love Master in his own unique way."

"Good. I didn't want to hurt your relationship with her."

At the apartment, Valerie called out, "Francine, I've got great news." Curious at the lack of an answer, she entered the living room; she saw a vase on the table, a single lily and a single tulip in it. A note was sitting on the table beside it with a small box on it.

"Valerie, if you come home alone, call me and we can talk for as long as you like. If what I think will happen does, and you're with Sally, the empty apartment, the flowers, and the box are for you two. Valerie, the lily is you, a fragile blossom of great beauty that will thrive in the right soil. Sally, the tulip is you, a hardy plant that overcomes the cold harshness of the winter to rise up and display a beauty that can be missed by the unobservant. The box (you have opened it by now, right) contains a ring that has been split in two, each half incomplete without the other, just as the two of you are incomplete without the other. I think you'll find that your joining has surprised no one but yourselves. Val, Sally can show you how to use the cream. Don't forget to check for instructions. Your friend, Francine.

"I see what you mean about being there. I think she knows us better than we do."

"She always has."

They tried the rings on and found that they would need to be resized. There is only so much you can do with twelve hours' notice. It was late enough that Valerie could check her email for orders. There was an email from Robert.

"Valerie, tonight you are to take yourself to the edge of orgasm at least five times before you go to sleep. If there's someone else with you, they can participate to whatever extent they are willing. Tomorrow, you'll be picked up at your house by one of us. You're to be naked when you answer the door. Follow any instructions you're given on the way, of course. Master has seen your punishment and is looking forward to accepting your submission this weekend. Remember, don't cum."

"It looks like Master wants you hot and bothered this weekend. Five denials in one night."

"Mistress," Val started, recognizing the return to their roles that the email signified, "will you please torture me tonight?"

"It would be my pleasure. What was this cream that Francine talked about me showing you?"

"It's a depilatory she had, something that she can only buy at certain times off of infomercials. I need to get my pussy bare again."

"Well, little one, let's get in the mood. Go ahead and strip down and I'll look this stuff over."

Valerie undressed, putting the clothes she had been wearing in the hamper. The knowledge that she was following Master's instructions had her becoming aroused. There was a hint of moisture between her lags and a tingling in her breasts. Her skin was flushed and every movement of her clothes along her body was electrifying.

Back in the living room, Sally was hanging up the phone. "I called in sick to work; I don't think I'd be much use there tomorrow anyway. I've used this stuff before. It's hard to believe it works as well as it does." Putting a towel on the couch, Sally said, "Have a lie down, but prop your back up a little so you can see how this works. If this were a first time, you'd trim with scissors first, but I see you've shaved there already. Use a disposable stick of some sort and squeeze some out and paint it over the hair you want off. Notice how it doesn't sting? Let it sit until it congeals into a waxy-like pad. It's slowly extracting the hairs by their roots as it shrinks away from your skin."

Five minutes passed. The gel had hardened and could be peeled off like silly putty. As it was, hair came off with it, embedded in the wax-like substance. Everywhere it had touched was totally free of hair. "The best part is that the hair has been taken out below the skin, so stubble takes a week to appear."

Sally was rubbing her hand over Valerie's bare cunt, drawing gasps from the naked woman. "Five times. This is going to be hard."

"Yes, it is. More so because I'm going to take you to the edge and beyond. You'll have to fight to not cum tonight. Are you ready?"

"No, but I don't want to wait either."

"Go lie down on your bed and wait. Where do you keep your toys?"

"In the bottom dresser drawer in my room."

Sally stripped herself and folded her clothes on the couch. In Valerie's room, she found the toys and selected rope and a butt plug. "Do you have to go?" At her shake, she sat down and tied Val's hands together and then tied the end of the rope to the head of the bed. Valerie's legs were tied together at the knees and ankles. "Any pinching or tingling like your hands or legs are going to sleep?" Another shake and Sally lubed the plug and Valerie's asshole. Her fingers probed in until they popped past the pressure that resisted penetration. Prying her cheeks apart with one hand, the other slowly pressed the plug into Val's small hole. Val was moaning at the pressure and gasping as the plug passed inside, locking into place.

Sally lay down beside her, rolling Val onto her side. One hand snaked under her body and the other reached over the top, resting against the bare, wet pussy. "No tenderness tonight, no gentle caresses. I'm just going to rape you with my hand until you're on the verge of cumming, five different times. Are you scared?"


"Of me?"


Sally's hand plunged three fingers into the well lubricated cunt, turning that last no into a gasp of pleasure. "Of failing Master?"

"Yes. Oh, God, that feels good."

"You're not going to fail. You can do this. It'll be the hardest thing I've made you do, but I know you can."

Sally's other hand pinched Valerie's nipples as she spooned against the helpless woman. Valerie was climbing the heights of arousal quickly; the sensations reinforced by knowing how much the one inflicting them loved her. Sally's hands were relentless, caress, plunge, pinch, and flick. Valerie was gasping as she was overcome by pleasure.

"Mistress, it's so good, please don't stop. Take me to the edge. Give me everything."

"I will, love. Let me hear you. I want to hear every moan, every gasp, every iota of your pleasure and your frustration. And, Valerie, I won't stop unless you ask me to. If you don't ask me to stop, you'll cum and disobey. Do you understand?"

"Oh, God, please don't stop. I do. You won't stop before I want you to."

"And once you ask, I decide when."

"Please, Mistress, don't make me fail, I don't want to fail."

"I won't take you farther than you can handle, once you ask me to stop, but I will make you work, struggle, and cringe from it."

Sally kissed Valerie's neck as the assault continued. Valerie, wanting to give her Master all she could , asked for Sally to keep going, farther and farther, until she felt the climax just on the horizon. "Please, Mistress, I'm almost there. Stop please, don't make me cum."

"A little farther love. A little closer. You can do it."

Sally rubbed and thrust, driving Valerie even closer to the dreaded and hoped for climax. Valerie was taking deep breaths, holding them and releasing, tensing her body against the tidal wave that threatened to engulf her. Valerie pled over and over, horrified of cumming and craving it at the same time.

Sally felt a brief spasm in Valerie's cunt and pulled her hand away suddenly as Valerie let out a long wailing "Nooooooooo!" tensing, afraid that the slightest movement would push her over the edge that she was precariously balance on.

"That's it, step back, gently, and let it move out of reach. I know it's hard. Cry. Let yourself mourn its loss."

Val cried with huge sobs as she descended from those heights; that coveted orgasm sliding out of reach. Between the sobs, she whispered, "Thank you, Mistress, thank you for stopping."

As the two women, one helpless, one in control, rested for the next assault, Sally brought her fluid covered hand up for Valerie to lick clean. She held her lover tight, letting her bask in the safety of a dominant's embrace. Valerie felt those arms about her and snuggled in closer, wanting them there always.

After five minutes, Sally asked, "Are you ready for round two?"

"Yes, Mistress. Please drive me towards orgasm again."

"Same as before. I won't stop if you don't ask me too."

"Yes, Mistress. Please start, make me feel good."

The hands returned to their torturous duties, resurrecting the dead climax and sending Valerie on another wild ride back towards it. The woman's pussy, bathed in its own juices was easily penetrated. Sally added Val's clit this time, her thumb rubbing against it constantly. Valerie could not believe how fast it was approaching this time. Sally silently plunged Val headlong towards the impact with relentless pressure.

Terrified, Valerie cried out, "Stop, Mistress, I'm too close, I can't stop."

"Do you trust me?"

"Yes, Mistress," she sobbed.

"Then shhh, I'll stop in time." Sally's hand moved from breast to mouth, gently covering as she continued to fuck Valerie's cunt with her hand. Valerie felt the orgasm lurching towards her, sobbing in fear of failure. Grasping to her trust like a lifeline, she tensed and waited, tears flowing freely, the sensations building, climax nearing, nearing, almost there and then it stopped. Sally's hand pulled out and Val rested on the razor edge of cumming.

"Let the air out, breathe, nice and slow. You're safe. You can get away."

"Oh, God, I don't want to get away, I want it so bad."

"But you will let it go, won't you?"

"Yes, Mistress, I will."

"Go ahead and cry. It's a hard thing you're doing. Every fiber of your being wants to embrace it, make it yours. But your Master, the one you swore to obey, says no, so you let it go. You deny yourself to please him. Focus on him, Master."

Once again, the orgasm retreated, almost asking, "Why?" as it left. Valerie's tears didn't stop. The woman she loved gently wiped them away, kissing the back of her neck. Sally whispered into her ear. "I love you, Valerie. I love that you've given me this, that you trust me so much. I won't let you down. We'll go to the edge together and come back together. I love you so much. You don't have to say anything, just immerse yourself in the sensations, my love, and trust that I'll stop in time. I won't let you disobey Master, even it you beg me, so let whatever you feel out. You ready?"

"Yes, Mistress. I love you, Mistress."

The caresses started again. This time, Sally didn't penetrate Valerie at all, but caressed her outer pussy and breasts. Valerie cried at the contact, wanting it so bad, knowing the orgasm wouldn't come, no matter how much she begged. Her breath heaved in and out, exhaustion creeping up on her. She wondered how Sally had known, had known that Valerie didn't have the strength to ask her to stop this time. She pressed against the naked body behind her and rode the roller coaster that she'd been strapped into. She could smell both herself and Sally, realizing that Sally, too, was going without release.

Embracing what her Mistress was giving her, she cried softly and accepted the feelings, opening herself up to whatever came. The climax was relentless, approaching with a slowness this time that was as frustrating as letting it go unfulfilled. Slowly, oh so slowly, Valerie climbed the ladder of pleasure, each rung a hard won battle. As the last rung was within reach, Val just feeling it in her grasp, Sally stopped. The ladder collapsed, taking with it any hope of that blessed event. Valerie wailed a long cry of despair. Knowing it would be taken away made it no easier to have it taken away.

"Two more love, only two more, then we can relax and sleep. Can I have two more?"

"Yes, Mistress. Take them; make them yours and Master's. I want you to have them. But it's so hard. I can't do it alone. Please help me."

"Of course, love, that's why I'm here. I'll help you. You want to beg for an orgasm, don't you?"

"Oh yes, Mistress, I want it so bad."

"Then beg, beg without ceasing this time. I'm going to say no, but I want to hear my little one beg for it."

The hand returned and, freed to beg without fear, Valerie gave vent to all the desire, longing and frustration she had built up through three near misses. She pleaded and begged, wailing her desire out. She made promises, demanded release, everything that came to her she said, giving vent to her desires. All the while, those fingers fucked her pussy and Sally whispered "No," over and over again in some fashion. "No, you can't." "Master said not to." "No, you're still being punished."

As Sally sensed the climax very near, she asked, "Do you want it? Shall we defy Master? What do you want?"

"Cum! I want to cum. Let me cum, please!"

"No," Sally whispered, removing her hand for the fourth time.

"Oh God, it hurts so much. I can't take it anymore. Please let me cum, Mistress." Valerie was beyond tears, the sobs coming deep from her heart. Sally held her tightly, absorbing the sobs as her own, sharing with her own tears the despair that her submissive was feeling. "Mistress, why are you crying?"

"Because you are. I can feel how much you're trying and how much it hurts. You're making me so proud. There's only one more. We're going even farther this time. I'm going to send you over the edge and snatch you back before you fall. Can you do it? Can you let me pull you out of your cum at the moment it starts?"

"Mistress, I'm so scared. What if I don't let you?"

"Then you'll fail Master."

Valerie trembled at the thought, failing Master. She never wanted to let that happen again. But she wanted to be more than she was now, to give him more. Her voice cracking, she whispered, "Snatch me back."

"Trust me."

Sally started again. This fuck was a violent assault on Val's pussy and clit. Sally propelled her arousal at light speed with a hand rape, not a true fuck. Valerie's clit was exposed and subject to constant stimulation. Before she knew it she was at the precipice and not slowing. Over the edge. Valerie's pussy quivered, her body began to shake as the orgasm she so wanted and hated burst upon her, uncontrolled. Crying out in despair at failure and ecstasy, it jerked away as a massive pain sank into her shoulder. The cum that had just started ended with an abruptness that hit Valerie like a bucket of cold water.