The Thunder Rolls

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3:30 in the morning, not a soul in sight- or something.
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Hi everyone!

This is my contribution to the 2010 Literotica Summer Lovin' Contest. As the title indicates, it's based (very loosely) on the song by Garth Brooks of the same title. It's just a short little piece, but I hope you'll take the time to read and vote.



He knew he shouldn't have gone. It invited nothing but trouble to his already rocky marriage, but he had to set things right. Running his hand over his face, he drove out of the small diner and prayed she'd understand why he did what he did.

As he approached the small town of Walled Lake, Michigan where he lived, he glanced around. It looked like a ghost town. He'd listened to the weather reports earlier, predicting severe thunderstorms in the area.

Stopping at a light, he rolled down the window to allow the warm summer night air to flow into the car. Turning his gaze toward the sky, he saw there was no moon. It was probably hidden by the storm clouds. A warm breeze rustled his short brown hair. The illumination from the traffic light highlighted the worry lines on his face.

Turning his attention toward the road, the blue glow of the clock on his dashboard caught his attention. 3:30 a.m. He just hoped she was sleeping and he could slip inside and deal with the repercussions of his most recent trip in the morning.

When he stopped at the next light, the heavens opened and an onslaught of rain pummeled his car. He quickly rolled up the window, turned on his windshield wipers and hit the lever for his turn signal. He drove down the street where his house was, feeling his heart thunder in his chest when he saw his house. Every light looked to be burning brightly.

A loud clap of thunder had him flinching and sending a silent prayer heavenward. He knew the storm brewing outside was nothing compared to what he was about to face.


She knew she should've changed to meet him, but she didn't care. She'd worried for the past twenty minutes, hearing the rain slash across the windows of the small ranch-style house.

In her anxiety, she'd managed to turn just about every light in the house on. She really hoped he wasn't where she'd thought he was, but the nagging feeling wouldn't leave her. She just hoped it was the weather that kept him out all night.

Clenching her fists in the faded flannel gown she was wearing, she paced nervously, feeling her heart thunder against her ribs when she saw his car pull slowly into the driveway.

Rushing out to greet him, heedless of the pouring rain, she pulled him into an embrace. When she smelled a slight hint of perfume, she masked her anger, just thankful he was alive.

Breaking their embrace, she turned and headed into the house without a word to him. Once inside she pushed her long brown hair out of her face, doing her best to conceal her anger. When she heard the screen door close behind her, she turned to face him.

"You were with someone else." It wasn't a question.

"Yes, but not in the way you think." He set down his briefcase and took off his jacket. Draping it over a hook near the door he approached her. "You never believed me when I told you I never cheated on you."

She stood glaring at him with her hands on her hips. "That's because every time you return from one of your business trips, you reek of cheap perfume. What am I supposed to think?"

Frustration and anger consumed him. "Goddammit! I've never cheated on you! Why can't you get that through your head?"

"Oh really? Then who was the woman who called here two weeks ago?"

"I already told you. She was a co-worker wanting to know about the convention."

"Sure." She sighed. "And I asked you before, why couldn't she just get the information at work? Why did she have to call you?"

When he didn't answer, she turned again and made her way toward the bedroom. He followed, removing his tie and thinking of a way to convince her what he said was true.

"What'll it take to convince you I'm not lying?"

"I don't know. I really don't. Every time you come back from one of your business trips, you seem different. Distant somehow."

He sighed. "It's not because I'm having an affair. It's because I'm tired and I'm stressed. You know how much my boss piles on me. I can't handle things as it is, and he piles more on me."

"Then ask him to give you some help."

"I did."


"The perfume you smell? It's my new assistant's."

Heading toward the en suite bathroom, he began unbuttoning his shirt. "I need a shower."

She scoffed, knowing he'd essentially blocked out any further conversation. Turning toward the dresser, she paused in front of the mirror. Glancing at her reflection, she didn't like what she saw. Her wet hair was plastered to her head and the old flannel gown she was wearing was soaked and stuck to her body, accentuating her curvaceous figure. Her green eyes were dull and lifeless. She was tired of fighting with him all the time.

Opening the drawer, she ran her finger over the cold steel of the pistol tucked in the corner. Turning her attention back to her reflection, she whispered, "He won't do this again. Tonight will be the last time I'll wonder where he's been."

Pulling out the pistol, she carefully opened the cylinder and loaded bullets into each chamber. Giving it a spin, she flicked the cylinder closed and turned toward the bathroom. She could hear the shower running and his soft humming.

Her heart ached, knowing he didn't love her anymore and knowing she could lose any chance at happiness with him if she did what she'd planned to do with the gun.

Moving toward the bathroom, she fought the tremors in her hand as she reached for the knob and pushed the door open. Taking a step into the bathroom, she called out his name before pulling back the pale blue plastic shower curtain. He obviously hadn't heard her call out to him. His back was to her and he didn't turn around.

With a trembling hand, she brought the gun up and slowly brought back the hammer. Before she could complete the motion, a deafening clap of thunder rolled through the sky, plunging the house into darkness.


Two weeks later...

"Come here," he said, watching as she sashayed by, swinging her hips seductively in front of him.

They were on the back porch of their house, enjoying the cooler weather that had been in the area for the past couple of weeks. The massive storm they'd had two weeks ago had brought with it a cool front.

She turned to face him, smiling as she approached and seeing the complete look of love in his deep blue eyes. Remembering back to two weeks earlier, she couldn't believe what she'd thought of doing, based solely on her suspicions.

When the power had gone out, she'd lost her courage to take matters into her own hands. She'd dropped the gun to the floor and fled the bathroom before he could see her and what she'd planned to do. He'd found the gun, with the safety still on, and had returned it to its spot in the dresser drawer, the bullets carefully removed. He'd never said anything to her, instead, disposing of the gun and working to win back her trust.

They'd spent the better part of the past two weeks patching up their marriage. She'd given him another chance to explain himself. While he still wasn't sure what to say to convince her, he was determined to get her to believe him. In the midst of their heated discussion, a phone call came in. It was the woman who'd been his assistant.

In a feeble attempt to trap him, his assistant had claimed he'd gotten her pregnant. When his wife learned of this, she'd told the woman off and promptly fell into his arms, sobbing and begging his forgiveness. She'd known then how foolish she was to doubt him. He'd had a vasectomy a year previous, so there had been no possible way for him to get anyone pregnant. She knew even though he still could have had an affair, he wouldn't have.

Now it was early August, and even though he'd quit his job for obvious reasons, they were hosting a huge party in their backyard. Part of the reason was to celebrate their renewed love. They both watched as the neighbor kids played and laughed in the small above ground pool they'd set up.

She took his hand when he reached for her and she squealed when he pulled her into his lap. Claiming her lips in a heated kiss, he whispered promises of endless pleasure once the party was over.

"Get a room you two!" one of the neighbors called out.

They both turned to see several grinning faces. The man tending to the barbecue grill gave a quick wave, then turned his attention back to the burgers and dogs on the grill.

"Did I ever tell you who I dreamt of every night while I was away?" he asked when she turned her attention back to him.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she leaned in to kiss him. "No, who?"

"You, of course. You're my fantasy woman. I love you with all my heart."

She wiggled her bottom over him and felt the proof of his desire for her. "I love you, too. What do you say we ditch all these people and you take me to bed?" she asked, nibbling on his ear.

He didn't answer her. Instead, he rose to his feet and cradled her against him. He chuckled when he felt a few raindrops hit his face.

As he turned to glance up at the sky, a loud boom of thunder rolled through the air. The sound reminded him now how unpredictable summer weather could be and of what he'd almost lost. Never again would he take for granted of the love of the woman in his arms.


Thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote and be sure to read and vote on the other entries in the contest!

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grunabonagrunabonaover 13 years ago

Five, and good luck in the contest.

hoo_hoo_boohoo_hoo_booover 13 years ago
thank you

I love the writing- its succinct and has appropriate charactor. I hate guns- I'm glad it didn't go off and was, instead, disposed of. Its a strange thing but if I were the man I would have packed and been gone with the advent of the gun. I don't know how, within a marriage, that could be glossed over and I think that both their minds would hark back to it frequently where guns are unacceptable. I guess I'm a product of a different society. Perhaps he was the one who had invested the most, in trerms of the material, into the home and was unable to make such a sacrifice. The story has made me think and is interesting in that respect. Thank you for making me think.

DanielQSteele1DanielQSteele1almost 14 years ago

A good SHORT STORY! Limited time, place, action, but a lot happens. All of our stories on this site revolve around the basic dance between male and female: that is sex, that is humanity. All the good and all the bad falls into those two categories, or an infinite number of variations. And I also like "thunder"....I even like the real thing.

JaymalJaymalalmost 14 years ago
Nice sense of menace...

Very enjoyable mood-piece - great establishing of atmosphere in the opening, very film-noir for all its country music associations. Nice minimalist storytelling too. Well done.

Boxlicker101Boxlicker101almost 14 years ago

This was an interesting story, and it did follow the song to one possible conclusion. One thing that bothered me was the lack of names for the protags. This resulted in an overuse of pronouns.

Like another respondent, I did wonder how the phone call from the husband's assistant would allay his wife's suspicion of an affair. If anything, I would expect it to magnify the suspicions, and the fact she knew the woman caller was not preggers by her husband wouldn't prove there had not been an afffair. Perhaps it should have been a little longer to answer those questions.

geronimo_applebygeronimo_applebyalmost 14 years ago

...i don't even know who garth brooks is.

now look what you've done; i'll have to youtube or itunes or summat.

i liked the piece for itself though. it was a close call!

DorlaMoorehouseDorlaMoorehousealmost 14 years ago

I like the simplicity and the brevity here; you do a lot in a little space.

I am confused by the paragraph about the assistant claiming she was pregnant. What was she trying to trap him into if he hadn't been with her? How could he still smell of her perfume if they hadn't done anything? Also: "She knew even though he still could have had an affair, he wouldn't have." How does the vasectomy prove this? I remember my mom didn't want my father to get a vasectomy because she thought it would make it easier for him to cheat on her.

That paragraph aside, this is a really good story!

litfan10litfan10almost 14 years ago
Great study of mood and resolution

while short and simple, this is a wonderful read for a sense of mood and how nicely after the transition of time you wrap things up completely, making for a very satisfying read. Again a wonderful read that should bring fans back to your worthy works. Best of luck in the contest

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Not exactly what I'd expect from "translating" this song into a story, but not bad. A bit confusing in a few spots, and I like the "suspense" with the wife pointing the gun. Good luck in the contest.

lazper12lazper12almost 14 years ago
Nice but two big problems

2). "In a feeble attempt to trap him, his assistant had claimed he'd gotten her pregnant. When his wife learned of this, she'd told the woman off and promptly fell into his arms, sobbing and begging his forgiveness. She'd known then how foolish she was to doubt him. He'd had a vasectomy a year previous, so there had been no possible way for him to get anyone pregnant. She knew even though he still could have had an affair, he wouldn't have."

This needs further expansion to make sense. Who received the call? If it was the husband, how do you explain the claim of 'you got me pregnant' if there was no affair? It would be weird to claim that without sex happening. If it was the wife who received the call and the assistant trying to make trouble, then it would really, really be helped by dialog. As it is, the major plot point goes by too quickly leaving me a bit confused.

1). The other problem is purely opinionated, not any objective analysis. That whole bit with the restaurant at the beginning remains unclear even by the end. If it is supposed to remain open-ended and ambiguous, that is fine, though the reconciliation call could be made more PURPOSEFULLY ambiguous/doubtful while at the same time being expanded with more detail. Otherwise, it remains a bothersome loose end that needs to be wrapped up. If the location had been changed to the office, I could make the leap, but meeting at the restaurant again hints at an affair, contradicting the wifes later seeming insecurity.

Really, it comes down to the fact that I feel there is unintended uncertainty as to what was happening, rather than intended uncertainty.

"prayed she'd understand why he did what he did." who exactly is the she? The wife, or a mistress, and what did he do? Is that referring to the restaurant? Something else? It just doesn't quite come together at the end, though it comes close.

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