Football Widow Ch. 02


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Christa’s words were like daggers and her firm guidance kept Sue from stopping, the pressure was already at the breaking point. As they passed Ann Taylor her body suddenly went rigid, her eyes shot open and Sue clamped her mouth shut. As the waves of pleasure hit she chewed furiously on her inner lip and leaned against Christa for support as her knees went weak. The little butch watched with sparkling eyes as Sue rode out an intense orgasm right there in the crowded mall. When the contractions had dwindled to mild aftershocks Christa guided her to a bench where she sat heavily. The little butch sat next to her and waited until they we out of earshot of the other mall patrons.

“How was it? Your first public orgasm. I have to admit you looked so damn hot. Tell me you didn’t enjoy it, I dare you,” she said smiling. Sue could only shake her head and stare at her new lover. The public nature of it was exciting and she had to admit it made her feel naughty and sexy at the same time.

Sue had orgasmed three more times in the mall, each one had come at seemingly the worst time and she was sure people knew she was cumming. The cross between the intense pleasure and the intense embarrassment had been unforgettably wicked. She had managed to get the new clothes she wanted, but it had been a trial and Christa had worked hard to make sure they kept moving. Sue had started into Vic’s, but to her surprise Christa had stopped her and said she knew a better place to get lingerie so now they were down in the city and Christa was just pulling into a parking place on a crowded street.

Christa again opened the door for her and once it was closed the little butch took her hand. Sue was a little nervous and they did get a few looks as Christa lead her down a side street and into a small shop, but it felt natural and Sue kind of enjoyed it. At least she could be sure no one here would recognize them, she was the only white woman on the street.

Christa opened the door to a small shop that had the words “The Pampered Lady” stenciled on the glass in gilt script. The shop front was narrow, but the shop was extremely deep and it was filled to overflowing with the most beautiful lingerie Sue had ever seen. From pretty bra and panty sets to bustiers, negligees, girdles and even old-fashioned corsets. One wall held leather and PVC garments while another held maternity lingerie. Another section held racy things like French maid and naughty nurse outfits, cheerleading costumes, Schoolgirl outfits, practically anything that the naïve blonde could have imagined and many things she would never have imagined.

Christa made her way towards the back of the shop and Sue followed, feeling the balls begin to arouse her again with their subtle motions inside her drenched pussy. At the back was a counter and several glass cases holding marital aides, sex toys, books and videos. From a curtained off back room a woman emerged. She immediately caught Sue’s attention. She was taller than the blonde by at least four or five inches and as thin as a rail. Her skin was a dark ebony hue, but her hair was silver and her green eyes seemed to grab a hold of Sue and refused to let go.

“May I help you?” the old woman said in a clipped British accent.

“That’s right, don’t even say hi to me,” Christa said. The woman turned her eyes on Christa and Sue felt a little relief, the woman’s eyes were hypnotic and strange.

“It’s been quite some time child. It’s good to see you again,” the old woman said.

“Yeah, I’ve missed you too Trina,”

“Where’s Alexi?”

“She left me, over a year ago,” Christa said quietly.

“That would explain why you haven’t dropped by. I told you she was no good for you,”

“I know, I know, you were right, you’re always right, Okay? Don’t get on my ass about it, that why I haven’t come by,” Christa said almost, but not quite angrily. The old woman’s stern features softened and she smiled.

“So you’ve been out sleeping with anyone who you could find since then.” She said. Christa looked up sharply.

“How’d you know that?”

“I have my ways child. I promised your mother I would look after you and I keep tabs. I would have contacted you, but I know your temper and how you are. You would not have listened, I am rather surprised to see you here, I expected at least another year of you being stubborn and self-destructive before you came to your senses,”

“This is why I didn’t come, I knew you would be all over my ass,” Christa said.

“No, you didn’t come because you knew I was right and it bothers you to have to admit that an old woman knows more about women than you do.” the older woman said in an amused voice. Christa laughed and the two of them hugged. It was obvious to Sue that they were very close.

“So what brings you here today?” the old woman said. Christa nodded towards Sue.

“My friend needs some things,” Christa said.

The old woman turned those eyes on Sue and slowly examined her body; they stopped on her wedding ring for a moment before continuing up her body.

“You have a lovely body, my dear. My name is Contrina Wellington and most of my customers address me as Ms. Wellington, but since you are a friend of this one you may call me Trina,” she said. Her voice was very commanding and she had a strong presence that was almost magnetic.

“Thank you,” Sue mumbled and blushed as her eyes lowered to the floor.

“Now, what can I do for you today?” she asked. Before Sue could answer Christa moved next to her.

“She needs the works,” Christa said.

“Indeed? Tell me my dear, are you by chance corset trained?”

“No,” Sue said.

“Pity, well there is no time like the present to learn. There is a dressing room through that door, please strip for me while I lock up,” She said, indicating a door. Sue looked questioningly at Christa, but the small woman nodded and smiled encouragingly. Sue stepped into the small room and began to disrobe. She heard a quiet conversation going on outside and couldn’t help but eavesdrop.

“A married woman? Have you gone insane?”

“Don’t start, please,”

“You know bloody well I am going to have my say, so just shut up and listen,” the older woman’s voice said. Sue heard Christa sigh heavily.

“You are a lovely woman, both inside and out. You have so much to offer and eventually you will find a woman who recognizes that. I am tired of watching you throw your love away on undesirables like that bitch Alexi and her ilk. I had hoped you would learn your lesson and now you show up with a married woman. Why?”

“Because I love her,” Christa said simply. There was a long pause then, one that became almost pregnant as Sue removed her jeans. The revelation shocked her, but she didn’t know what to do or say. For a while the conversation was too soft for her to distinguish the words. Her mind turned to her obviously soaked panties and she quietly cursed as she tried to think of a way to hide her excitement. She had given up when the conversation became audible again.

“In all the years I have known you, I have never heard you say those words and mean them. I just hope this one realizes what she has in you,”

Sue chose that moment to come out of the dressing room. She still wore her bra and panties and both women turned to her. She felt very vulnerable and embarrassed.

“Breathtaking. You are truly lovely, my dear. Before we go on I hate to be so blunt, but exactly how much do you plan on spending today? I know the question is rather..crass, but it will influence what I suggest,”

“I don’t know exactly..” Sue began.

“I’m picking up the tab Trina,” Christa said with a smile.

“In that case I will make sure to suggest only the most expensive,” the old woman said and winked at Sue.

“You would,” Christa said.

“Tell me my dear, do you drink tea?” she asked, apparently ignoring Christa entirely.

“Yes, I love tea,” Sue replied.

“Excellent, Christa, there’s a nice coffee shop around the corner, please go and get us all some tea,”

“For fucks sake,” Christa said. The old woman turned on her and delivered a loud slap. Sue’s mouth dropped open, she fully expected Christa to hit back and was stunned when the little butch rubbed her cheek

“Sorry,” Christa murmured.

“You should be. You know better than to curse in my presence, you are not too old for me to put you over my knee, remember that,”

“Why do I have to go?” Christa asked, ignoring the threat.

“Because you are as bad as any man. A woman who comes here is looking to surprise her lover; she’s not going to be able to do that if you are drooling while she makes her selections. Now go. I will call your mobile when we are finished”

Sue watched Christa leave with mixed emotions. She would like to surprise the small butch, but the stern old woman intimidated her and she was not sure she wanted to be left alone with her. The terms the woman used had not been lost on her and Sue was very embarrassed knowing this woman obviously took it for granted she and Christa were sleeping together. Once Christa was gone the old woman pulled the shades and locked the door.

“Now that we have some privacy go ahead and remove that hideous bra and panties,” she said.

Sue complied without a thought, somehow it never occurred to her to refuse. She unconsciously tightened her muscles to hold the balls in. Once she was nude the old woman eyed her body critically and took a tape measure and a form from behind the counter. She measured Sue thoroughly, making clucking noises in her throat here and there when she finally finished she put the tape measure away and leaned on the counter.

“I suppose it would be best to get everything out in the open. Christa’s mother was my best friend and when she passed away I promised to watch over her only daughter. You seem a sweet girl and rather naïve, so I must ask, what exactly are you looking for here?”

“I don’t know really. I wanted to get some sexy lingerie and was going to do so at the mall, but Christa said she knew a better place. I…to be frank, my husband doesn’t appreciate me wearing sexy things and I have never seen some of the things here, I am a little overwhelmed,”

“So you are getting things for Christa’s enjoyment and not your husband’s?’

“Yes, I suppose so,” Sue said in confusion. The conversation was surreal and standing nude before this woman with the ben-wa balls filling her wet pussy was unbelievably embarrassing.

“Do you have any idea what will “turn her on” so to speak?”

“No,” Sue said and blushed. The old woman smiled and handed Sue a robe, which she quickly put on. The smile seemed genuine and somehow put her at ease.

“Don’t be embarrassed, despite what you might believe the majority of my customers come here not knowing quite what they want. In your case you are lucky, Christa has brought many of her lovers here and I know what she likes. Just put yourself at ease and trust me,”

“We will start with the basics and move from there, do you need a full wardrobe or just some special items?”

“I don’t know. I have plenty of everyday things, but nothing that is really sexy,”

“With your body your everyday things should be sexy. A woman feels her best when she feels desirable and that all starts with what is next to your skin. Follow me,” she said and handed Sue a large pink shopping basket.

The old woman started with panties, selecting thongs, bikinis and even a g-string and two pairs of crotchless panties. She chose vivid colors, with reds, oranges and yellows predominating. A few in black and white and a few in softer colors like powder blue and lavender. Next came bras, peek-a-boos, push ups, strapless and one with cut outs for her nipples. Again bright colors predominated, but the old woman also covered the basics as well. From there they moved to the garterbelts and stockings. Here she chose colors to compliment the bras and panties and several different styles from very simple to very lacy and frilly.

For about the next hour Sue tried on negligees, teddies, babydolls, penoirs, merry widows and nighties. The colors were still bright, mostly reds and oranges with only a few in basic black or white. Sue’s basket was almost over flowing when the old woman led her back to the counter. She handed Sue a second basket and then smiled gently.

“You are very lovely, it’s so easy to find things that look good on you. I know you are shy, so don’t let this next question bother you all right?”

“All right,” Sue said. She was enchanted with the clothes and the personal attention, it made her feel special and she could just imagine the look on Christa’s face when she saw her in some of the things in that basket. “Have you and Christa played any sex games? Or is it just plain old shagging?” she asked with a sparkle in her wise-old eyes. Sue blushed scarlet, but found herself answering.

“We haven’t tried any games,” Sue said.

“Well, do you plan on it? I know you are very sexy, but for a woman, keeping things spiced up has a great many rewards,”

“I never thought about it, honestly,” Sue said thoughtfully.

“If you will trust me?” the older woman said.

“Of course,”

Trina led her to the wall with the Leather and PVC first, selecting a few things, then to the costumes. Before they were done, Sue had a French maid’s outfit, schoolgirl, Nurse and little red riding hood as well as a harem girl and what she could only describe as hooker outfit. She was dreadfully embarrassed, but also amazingly turned on. Trina led her to the corsets and pulled out a red velvet model. It had six garters, was trimmed in black lace and had a satin inner lining. The cups were removable and so were the shoulder straps. Sue was enchanted with it the moment she laid eyes on it.

“I thought you might like it. My corsets are made to order and usually take about three weeks, but I can have one like this made for you by next Friday if you can come down for a fitting?”

“I’ll be in the city all week,” Sue said, her eyes still on the corset.

“Excellent, I’ll have these all wrapped for you, if you would like to get dressed; I’ll give Christa a call?”

Sue dressed quickly, her mind filled with images of herself in the new lingerie and the effect she hoped they would have on Christa. Her damp panties were cold and felt strange, but they at least allowed her to relax her inner muscles and not worry about the ben-wa balls. When she came out Trina was putting all of her new lingerie into pretty boxes.

“She’ll be here in a few minutes,” the old woman said. Sue nodded and stood by the counter.

“She’s a very special woman, I hope you realize that?”

“I know,” Sue said. The old woman looked up and locked eyes with her. When she spoke her words were carefully chosen.

“I wonder if you do. I don’t know what your relationship is, if you have a serious interest in her or if this is just a tryst for a bored housewife. She is a sensitive and loving woman; she will make a fine lover and provider for someone. I beg you not to play with her emotions, she has had a rough time since her mother died.”

Sue didn’t know what to say to that. She just watched as the old woman deftly continued to wrap and box her purchases.

“Do you love her?” the old woman said barely glancing up at Sue.

“I don’t know. This is all very new to me,”

“Is there a chance you could love her?” she asked. Sue considered that. There were so many implications in the simple question, so many possibilities and so much confusion on her part. Could she fall in love with Christa? Had she already? If not what was it she felt for the small woman? Surely it was more than just lust. Did she have an answer? Did she even want to face it if she did?

“Yes, I could love her,” Sue said. The words sounded alien coming from her own mouth and surprised her.

The old woman looked deeply into Sue’s eyes and then smiled. Her eyes were very expressive and in them Sue saw great concern, but also compassion and sympathy.

“Scared out of your pants, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” Sue said, returning the smile.

“Go unlock the door, my dear, she’s waiting for you,” the old woman said with a twinkle in her eye.

End part II

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Ravey19Ravey1911 months ago

I love the dilemma that Sue is facing and how you're writing it. Brilliant so far.

cnsualsu1cnsualsu1over 2 years ago

old woman molest sue will be perfect

jenorma2012jenorma2012about 8 years ago

not bad for part 2, Christa is taking a big chance with her bosses wife, but lets see where this is going

lovercat2942lovercat2942almost 16 years ago
Just one question

The story is a real page turner, as it were, with great character development and lots of caring on the parts of Christa and Sue. However, I have one issue that keeps nagging at me. All through this story are mentioned Bernie and Sue's children, saving for their college, etc., etc. However, WHERE ARE THESE CHILDREN while all these hi-jinks are going on between Christa and Sue? I take them to be adolescent children, so in a real-life situation, the women would have to deal with the kids' running around, especially during football season, when they would be in school and coming home in the afternoons, thus putting the kibosh on any sexual encounter, especially the all-day kind.

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